Ok, so more people make it to this journal than I realized. I won't be closing this journal down & I will be using some of the suggestions. I know me ... I don't have as much time as I used to for tagging but, one comment suggested that I tag every once in a while. This I can & will do!
Every Friday I will tag that days entry/s & the offer will only be up for that day. I will tag them over the weekend & deliver them to those who request it by e-mail on or before Monday morning. Just like before there will be an unlimited number of requests but please don't use numbers in your requst or all capital letters. Some fonts don't support numbers & most fonts don't look right with all capital letters. Send as many friends here as you want so I can tag for them as well. Remember, offers will only be good for Friday from the posting date until 7 am central time Saturday morning. If the rules aren't followed I will delete the e-mail & won't fill the request! I know this may sound harsh to some but hen I tagged before I would have people e-mailing me wondering where their tag was when they had clearly asked me to fill it several days after it expired.
Another suggestion was that I talk a little about myself. I don't how well that will go over cause for the most part I have a really boring life. I do have 2 other journals that your welcome to read. You can find this on the side bar or by clicking the 2 following links.
What Chaps My Ass? this is a private journal so if you don't already have access you will have to e-mail/IM me for access. If you don't like to hear foul language then you may want to skip this one. I try to use colorful words to express my mood but I'm not always tactful with my wording. I mostly talk about my MIL who is a hateful, lonely, bitter old woman ... sometimes about the stupidity of my brothers and others that I come into contact with.
If Scales Could Talk this journal is my personal battle with weight loss. I post articles that I find & relate to, talk about my favorite workout videos ... how good they are, how much they cost & where you can purchase them at. I also talk about my triumphs & those dreaded sugar rush days.It's mostly informative information but somedays I'm in a mood & you'll find sarcastic humor.
Ok, on with today's tag ... I know that's what your all waiting for. =D
This entry is being marked AC for adult content. If you do not wish to view this type of material please exit this entry now. This entry isn't meant to offend anyone only to show off my creative talents.
This is a SNAG only offer so please do not ask me to tag it for you.
Q: Can I add a name to it or have someone else add it for me?
A: YES!!! Please add your name ... it's yours once you snag it. The only thing I ask is that you not claim the creation as your own. This means you cannot add that you created or tagged my work. Even if you add your name ... it's still created by me!